1. Kalimat Verbal (Verbal sentence)
Kalimat verbal adalah kalimat yang predikatnya menggunakan kata kerja atau bahasa inggrisnya verb.
contoh :
- I agree with you (agree adalah kata kerjanya)
- She loves blog
- You learn english
- You are learning english
- She climbs that tree.
- I woke up very early yesterday
- I write a letter
- I study english
- We walk together. Kami berjalan bersama.
- She bring my pen. Dia (perempuan) membawa bolpoinku.
Kalimat Nominal (Nominal Sentence)
contoh :
- You are clever (subjectnya You, predikatnya clever (kata sifat)).\ He is at home
- She is a teacher
- You are a reporter
- I can draw a manga
- I can make a wedding cake for you
- I’ve read that book.
- I’ve never been to France
- She has been standing there for 2 hour
- I am happy
- I am a student
Subject Tobe
I am
She, He, It is
We, They , You are
She, He, It is
We, They , You are
sumber :
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